Urban Infrastructure > Water Industry

Ravenhall Outfall Sewer

DCE were appointed as the head infrastructure consultant by Dexus for the development of Horizon 3023, a 3 Stage 120 Hectare industrial development located at 91-167 Palm Springs Rd, Ravenhall. A key element to providing a sewer outfall for the site was the delivery of City West Water’s (CCW) Ravenhall Outfall Sewer.

The Ravenhall Outfall Sewer Stage 1A, 1 and 2 consists of approximately 3km of 900mm dia and 1,000mm dia sewer. The delivery of the CWW asset, was a key infrastructure item not only for the project but for the greater area and will be integral to future development works.

As a CWW accredited consultant, DCE weere engaged to complete Civil Engineering and Project Management services with development works including stakeholder liaison and negotiation (with CWW, DEWLP and Department of Transport), master planning and detailed design, tendering, value management and contract formation and administration.


Ravenhall, Victoria

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